April 22, 2010

Am I a disciple?

Last weekend I went to a women's conference and heard from Jen Hatmaker. To be honest, I usually despise women's conferences because usually they are quite frankly--pretty lame. The messages are usually centered around some super-emotional, cheesy, "Jesus-wants-you-to-make-your-American-dream-come-true" type of message that is neither challenging nor often--may I say-- biblical. However, this women's conference was different, thanks to Jen Hatmaker. Jen challenged the church's definition of disciple. She posed the question: Would your life look any different without Christ?

Her teaching reminded me a little of Craig Groschel's Christian Atheist. Christian Atheist can be summed up in what Craig characterizes the American Church as "believing in God but living as if He doesn't exist."

Its amazing to see the message that I believe is being promulgated in the American church. Is your relationship with Christ transforming your life? If you believe in Christ as the Savior of the world, and confess Him with your mouth-- is your life transformed by your relationship with Him?

Am I becoming more like Christ because of the work that He is doing in my heart?
Am I caught up in the American Dream and trying to fit Christ into that lifestyle?
Do I live like a disciple of Christ as seen in the bible?

This weekend, Jen explained what a disciple of a Rabbi would look like in the time of Jesus. A disciple would literally be the rabbi's shadow: mimic his every move, talk like him, walk like him, follow him where ever he went--even so much as following the rabbi to the bathroom... yea, gross.

If I call myself a disciple of Jesus, do I follow Him in the same way?

Constantly relying, constantly listening, constantly following Him where He leads.


  1. Isn't it amazing, I have been hearing the same message over and over and over again lately. Here is missionary Paul Washer on Narrow is the Gate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuabITeO4l8&feature=related

    and here is Times Square Church (David Wilkerson) on Religion that Wants to be Worshiped: http://holydesperation.com/sermons/morePowerfulMessages/WhenReligionWantsToBeWorshippedCC.mp3

    Both challenging the Body of Christ to stop living like the world, die to self, and live as if Jesus has radically altered your life! Because if He hasn't, then who is our God? Thank you for the encouragement, Jamie!

  2. Funny, these are things I've been thinking of a lot lately! Many may confess with their mouth, but don't follow in their actions!

    What is it in my life that would make someone want to get to know Christ?! Am I really that different?

    Love reading your thoughts!!
