When you go on a road trip there are two different types of people.
The first type of person is the one that puts on their head-phones, eye-mask, ear-plugs, sits in the back seat and hopes to slip into a coma until they arrive at their destination. Even if they don't have the misfortune of getting car sick, they just want to get to the final destination and could care less about the experience on the way.
The second type of person is, of course, so excited to be going to the destination, but they are also determined to make the most of every minute and enjoy the company of the people with them. They are excited about seeing new parts of the country, meeting new people, and of course listening to some good tunes with their friends--in the hopes that there will be a few "sing-a-longs". Despite the fact that this person might get a little sick of the other people in the car, their butt hurts from sitting so long, and maybe that fast food smell from yesterday is starting to get to them. But it doesn't matter. They are going to enjoy the ride.
So which one are you?
I have to admit, I used to be the first. However, Im determined to be the second. Not just on road trips, but in life.
The process that God is taking me through-- this is life. I will embrace this time. Embrace what God is doing in my heart. Embrace the people, circumstances, and trials set before me. In Philippians 4, when Paul states that he "can do all things through Christ" he was talking about all the different situations set before him. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:12b-13.
And I'm finding out that when I let go and rely on Him--the ride is so much more enjoyable. So I will rest in him and have a blast on the way...

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